Plant flower meadow now

Now is an ideal time to create a flower meadow, because now the wild flowers have grown so far out of the ground and not yet flowered.

Since the meadow is to be mowed only in late summer, one must take care to suspend such wild plants that bloom gradually, so you have a long time enjoy it.

Bloomers for the spring are forget-me-not, Scarlet-herb, Day-carnation, Wild strawberries.

For the summer / fall Daisies, bluebells, larch spur, buttercups, field pansies and widow flowers are ideal.

Please make sure that you do not dig up plants that under conservation such as spring-knot-flower, orchid and fall-time-lilies or arnica. I usually take such plants, for example, in the middle of the lawn are (daisies, daisies, crawling Günsel) and then run over by the lawn mower anyway. Or those that appear as "weeds" in the garden. Or those that still exist in large quantities. In many plants you can lose seeds even in late summer. Goes well with the Cuckoo's Marguerite and Forget-Me-Not. Even more difficult with the bellflower.

I always put a few crocuses and daffodils in between. You are always looking forward to it when, after a long winter, the first flowers soon appear.

Unfortunately, two years ago, I mowed the meadow too early, and many of the flowers did not come last year, so I had to resupply this year, or had to reseed last fall.

There is a meadow ideal, which can largely be left to itself. Because there are already times when you are inclined to mow the meadow, because it does not look so beautiful, because nothing blooms. I hope everything works and I can enjoy in a short time again on my flower meadow.

Tutorial on Planting & Growing A Wildflower Meadow | April 2024