Prevention of cystitis or concomitant therapy

Anyone who suffers from a bladder infection should definitely consult a doctor so that the condition does not become chronic. However, some home remedies both help prevent cystitis and their healing.

Have a drink! Three, better still four liters a day. Water, tea and fruit juices are best. I know, in the beginning you have to go to the bathroom every ten minutes and that is annoying, but enormously helpful, because the germs are flushed out. If necessary, stick sticky notes everywhere, so that you get used to drinking.

In addition to the many liquids daily drink one or two glasses of cranberry or cranberry juice. In these berries is an active ingredient that works against the pathogens. It actually works. The juice is not cheap, because only in the health food store and there is nothing that would be cheap.

In good general condition and freedom from fever, a rising foot bath does a great job. Start at about 35 degrees hot water and let run within 20 minutes slowly hot water (I take the kettle, is easiest, but watch out and do not scald you!), To about 45 degrees are reached. Then go to bed right away and stay in it!

This is an aspect of cystitis that is not given much attention: BRAKE. It does not help anyone to get sick to work. Not your boss and not your colleagues either. Get sick if you're sick and that's what you're after a bladder infection. That's why you do not need to have a guilty conscience, you did not choose it.

In case of acute cystitis, put a hot water bottle (granules, pillows, etc.) on the lower abdomen or between the legs. When urinating it is more bearable, if you run a pot of warm water while peeing on it (see tip on The Fruit and FlowerBasket "piss" somewhat painless "- I would not like to decorate with foreign feathers). Whether this is possible in your case because of the urgency of the need, I do not know.

The first three points should become part of your life. The many Klo-Gerenne, which arises from the many fluid, eventually stops because the bladder gets used to the increased fluid intake. The rising foot bath should be maintained in cold weather (ie also in the German summer, if you can tolerate a sweater). And keep your feet warm! I know, I know, it was already preached to me every day as a child and I could not hear it anymore, but it's true.

Preventing Thrombosis after PCI | April 2024