Store flower seeds over the winter

I have a big garden and spend a lot of time in the garden. Most of the time I invest in the care of my various flower types.

Since I already own my favorite flowers, I do not have to buy a new seed in the spring. I collect the seeds of my flowers in the summer and fall and keep them for the coming spring.

It is important in the semen storage that the seed is ripe and nice and dry. In order for the seed not to mold or start to germinate during winter, it must be kept dry, cool and dark.

I give my dry flower seeds in small, empty, black film cans. These are ideal with their size and absolutely light-tight. If I have more seeds than film cans, I fill the flower seeds in empty shampoo bottles, which I have cleaned well.

I keep the film cans and shampoo bottles with the flower seeds in a drawer in the garage, where they are in good hands during the winter.

In spring, I open the drawer and look forward to sown the seeds from last year and enjoy my favorite flowers again.

MFG 2013 Collecting, Separating & Storing Cilantro Seeds - Plant Some to Over-Winter and Save Some! | April 2024