The magic secret spice: cinnamon for hearty meals

Cinnamon goes well with vegetable soups, tomato sauce for spaghetti and many other salty sauces and soups.

Surely my tip is criticized, but it's just a tip - just try it, I can only say it's great!

The trick is to add just enough cinnamon to taste an aroma that is delicious and interesting but can not be directly classified. So much so that no one realizes it's cinnamon. It tastes very good.

I use that for a lot. Most say: hmmm, what's in there? That's so special, somehow. And when I tell them that I have mixed some cinnamon, most of them can not believe it, because you actually do not taste it out with the right amount.

(And if on the first try a little too much cinnamon leaps into the pot: just do not despair, just say to the guests: INTENTION! Is extra pre-Christmas! Happy Trying!

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