Cooking gravy - without industrial additives


Total preparation time: 2 hours 20 minutes

Although many may not believe it - it is very easy to make good sauces yourself. Bag products, on the other hand, are superfluous and do not taste good.

My 83-year-old mother will continue to do without her pills called "light / dark sauce" - at her age, it's very difficult to learn something new. On the other hand, luckily I have learned it differently and I think it is fun for others as well - e.g. the daughters, sons, nephews and nieces who are now moving out of their homes and are beginning to replace the ready-to-serve pizza with their own dishes.

It should not be about a detailed recipe, but about the principle. The quantities vary depending on the amount of eaters.

With a roast, I get a few bones to the meat.

Here's an example of a roast beef with sauce for 4 eaters.


  • 2 kg of roast (something will be left over - it will freeze.) But larger roast pieces will work better because they stay juicier.
  • cattle bones
  • 4 big carrots
  • 4 parsley roots
  • 4 onions
  • 2 toes of garlic
  • Gurnard for searing
  • tomato paste
  • 1 L red wine
  • Salt, pepper, bay leaf


  1. In a large casserole (I like to use a cast iron that keeps the heat for a long time) I fry bones with meat, onions and garlic. After a while, add some carrots, parsley root or celery. Always move everything in a pot.
  2. At the end of the whole roasting process, I add one to four tablespoons of tomato paste, which is also toasted with it. Canceled with 1 L red wine. Add bay leaves, pepper, a little salt.
  3. I put in the roast a roasting thermometer, which indicates with a mark, which core temperature is to be reached. (I have already given away such to the said nephews and nieces.) That was about 20 minutes of work and now you just have to wait. You can go for a walk or read or do something else - with a simmering simmer the roast will continue on its own.
  4. After one to two hours (depending on the size of the piece of meat, from 2-3 kg) I look after: When the core temperature in the meat is reached, I turn off the stove and take out the meat. It now rests in a warm covered bowl and relaxes - important for the juices to retract inside the cells and not squirt out when cut. Tastes better!
  5. And as a further result, we have a wonderful base sauce! These can be e.g. tie with a flour butter: I kneaded half a cup of flour with one to two tablespoons butter and stir this in the quietly simmering gravy. Or I do not bind, just take out the bones and reduce this jus something - as far as it pleases. I still taste it with salt, pepper, turmeric or other spices.

That's it, you have a good amount of gravy without pills that tastes great! Often we have something left and freeze it.

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