Frankfurt wreath


Total preparation time: 1 hr. 15 min.

Hello everybody. Again, a cake recipe from me (as I do it):


  • 250 g of butter or margarine
  • 375 g of flour
  • 125 g of cornstarch
  • 200 g of sugar
  • 1 pck of baking soda
  • 1 pck of vanilla sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/8 l of milk
  • 1 fl. Taste of rum
  • Chopped almonds for decoration (I do not take brittle, is too sweet for me)
  • Jam to taste for the filling


  1. Beat the butter or margarine with the sugar, vanilla sugar, salt until fluffy, then add the eggs and stir.
  2. Gradually add the flour mixed with the cornstarch and the baking powder (you can also sift through) and of course the milk in between. Finally, add the rum flavor.
  3. Bake a baking dish (I take a Gugelhupfform) and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, the dough into it and at about 180 degrees (top and bottom heat) about 1 hour (comes on the stove) bake.
  4. Allow the cake to cool and cut twice.

Butter cream:

  • 1 pck. Vanilla pudding
  • 250 g butter
  • 3 tbsp sugar (for the pudding) or to taste)
  • 1/2 l of milk
  • Taste of rum


  1. Cook custard according to instructions and stir until cold (no skin should form). I stir it cold so that I let cold water into the sink, put in the pot with the pudding and stir it (it gets cold sooner).
  2. Mix soft butter, stir in cold pudding and add rum flavor. Then put in the fridge for about 1 hour)
  3. In between, roast the almonds in a pan without fat a bit (keep it, burn slightly)
  4. Now sprinkle the bottom half of the cake with jam, put a layer of cake on top and a piece of the butter cream on top. Then top the cake topping and spread the whole cake with the remaining butter cream.
  5. Finally, the roasted almonds on it (I throw them always because you get nothing else to the sides of the cake, but is a pretty nice mess, but not otherwise).
  6. At the top of the cake I use a cake syringe to sprinkle some buttercream for decoration with a small jam on top.

Now I wish you good luck and good appetite. Sounds all worse than it is (I mean make the cake).

Торт «Франкфуртский венок».Frankfurt Wreath | May 2024