Furniture care products: linseed oil varnish and turpentine substitute

For wood care of (older) pieces of furniture or doors or as an alternative to painting, you can make the following mixture yourself and easily: Linseed oil varnish and turpentine substitute in the ratio 1: 1 mix. You get both at the hardware store.

With the tincture, moisten the furniture parts with a cloth and let them wick. The wood gets its original wonderful structure back. The only side effect is the smell of linseed oil, which I personally do not find unpleasant. Grandma's old cupboard is like new again and our wooden doors look like freshly produced. Linseed oil is a natural product and has long proven itself as a wood preservative.

However, I accept no liability of any kind (for example, for unwanted effects and effects etc etc.).

Make a Historic Beeswax, Oil & Turpentine Furniture Polish Finish | April 2024