Gnocchi with bacon in the pan

Ingredients (1 person):

200g gnocchi
100g bacon (in stripes)
200ml cream
1 tbsp oil

Heat the pan, add the oil, sauté the bacon for about 1 minute. Add gnocchi, sauté until golden brown (on high heat).

Reduce heat and add cream. Cook on the lowest flame for about 10 minutes until the desired consistency is achieved.

Season with pepper, depending on the gusto. Salt is not needed, as the bacon ensures.



If you like hearty, you can sauté onions (or strips) with the bacon.

Can also be refined with a little wine and thyme.

A la Normandie: When adding the cream still add fine apple cubes (preferably a rather sour variety).

Who does not care about the fat, can still use some Camembert, then it is correct Norman :)

Conclusion: I thought so myself even in bachelor times. In the beginning I only used bacon and gnocchi. Also very good, but I was in the long run too salty. The nice thing about gnocchi is they are very easy to handle (roast principle and finish-simmer) :)

Epic Crispy Gnocchi with Bacon | SAM THE COOKING GUY | April 2024