Protect password for Messenger, Messages and WhatsApp

A few days ago, while surfing the net, I read a new tip and immediately tried it, I am very satisfied with it and maybe one or the other does not know it here either.

It concerns the password protection for z. B. Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. I do not use a smartphone password, it just bothers me, although I know it would be safer anyway. I know a lot of people who also like me, the constant typing in of the code can be annoying. Still, I still want to protect my messages if someone else has my phone in my fingers.

But since Messenger and Co do not offer this option themselves, you can download an app for free, there are several of them, but I downloaded the app "Lock for WhatsApp Lock" on Google Play and I have to say, that's a great thing.
The operation is simple and you can set what should be password protected, news, WhatsApp, Messenger or everything together.

Each time, then, if the respective app z. B WhatsApp opens, you have to enter a 4-digit code. You will ask yourself, why not close the smartphone with the code, as I said I do not want that, because I use my phone very often.

This type of password protection is also safe for IOS users, check the App Store.

How to Protect your whatsapp chat Creat a password in your whatsapp chat | April 2024