Sweet Biedermeier bouquet

Have given this sweet Biedermeier bouquet very often and it is always well received.

You need.

1 small cake topping
crepe paper
Chocolates / sweets (as you like)
Cling film
binding wire
Hot glue gun incl. Wax

The top of the cake is glued to a small piece of cardboard to give the ostrich more stability.

Then the point is cut in the middle so that later the wires are pulled.

The chocolates (see photo are already packed in the case) are wrapped in plastic wrap.

The wires are cut into pieces about 7 cm long and form a small spiral at the top so that the chocolates are then glued on using the glue gun.

Cut crepe paper round on the top and pull through the opening through the wires. Possibly. with Tesafilm still fix from below. Done is the sweet Stäußchen.

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