Tip for snuff noses

If nothing works and the nose is completely blocked, often only nasal spray helps. A small tip for snuff-nosed noses: It is usually enough to use a nasal spray for children. It is lower doses, but it helps as well from the own experience against the cold!

Grandma_Duck: Nasal sprays with decongestant effects should not really be used only in extreme emergency. Addictive does not make the drug, it is rather so that the mucous membranes at some point no longer swell without him. A vicious circle!
Nature has arranged it so that almost always enough air comes through at least one nostril - that's why there are two! You can test it anytime by alternating one stop. If necessary, even the mouth breathing is possible, but should not be permanent.
Most people are using drugs too fast anyway. Or. do not understand that even the harmless nasal spray is one.
Note: Pharmacists and their suppliers just want our best! And that is in the purse. hatschepuffel: Hey!

My tip from my own experience: I used nasal spray for children ... once a day (in the evening), then swelled in the morning already nose, then later at noon (despite nasal spray in the morning). Believe me, even the children's nasal spray can be addictive, i. the nasal mucosa becomes so used to swelling in the absence of it.

My tip: seawater nasal spray, nose ointment, often enough about Nivea cream or similar .. The runny nose somehow sit out. Otherwise: children's nasal spray in an absolute emergency (non-falling asleep), but max. 5 days.

Best regards, the Hatschi (name not program;))

Snuff Techniques Explained for Beginners - How to take Snuff | April 2024