Color can resealable and reuse

In my apartment I have exposed wooden beams. Since I have cats, which of course like to use for climbing, I have to repaint the bars more often. But even the smallest paint can still has too much content, so I have to close it again ... until I can paint over the bars again. But how do I keep the color "fresh" and clean? The problem starts when opening the can. Attach the screwdriver and pry. Most of the time the lid is crooked ... while brushing myself, I always have to hide the box from my cats, because they have often overturned them ... Now I have seen quite new paint cans in the hardware store. They are from BONDEX and have a screw cap (I think the hot BONDEXPAC or something). The cans are made of plastic, as well as the lid, and you can unscrew them if you need them and screw back when you're done. That's a good idea! Above all, the can, when empty and clean, can be used for many small household utensils. My friend has this screw-top box now for his "nail collection" clawed ... well ... I would have preferred to use it for other things ... but certainly there will soon be something to paint again :-). Check out the cans on the BONDEX page ... I think that's really great.

Bottle Caps Convert to Resealable Tops | May 2024