Cooking fish with dill sauce - different

There are people who do not like boiled fish because they seem too "dry" to them. Mostly it's because he cooked too long. Others do not like him because you do not catch all the bones when he comes to the plate.

To inspire my family for cooking fish, I came up with the following idea:

In fish shops you get on request also Kochfischfilets (but you can also take frozen goods). I do not need anyone to explain how a dill sauce is made. Just dice the fresh cooking fish fillet. When the dill is ready, remove from heat and let the fish fillet dice for about 5 minutes.

The fish stays juicy, and will convince self-same Kochfischgegner! (With my family it worked anyway, and is desired again and again!)

Baked Salmon/Lemon-Butter Dill Sauce | April 2024