Delicious gingerbread parfait with citrus fruit spread

Maybe even a delicious dessert for your New Year's Eve buffet or for the New Year's dinner wanted? Then this is just right, it is enough for 12 portions and is at the same time a "small" remainder utilization

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 30 g sugar, 1 Msp. Gingerbread spice, 1 tbsp Amaretto liqueur, 150 g whipped cream (unsweetened), 70 g gingerbread (diced), 2 oranges, 2 tbsp sugar, 200 ml orange juice, a little aniseed and cinnamon , 4 tablespoons orange liqueur, cornstarch

Preparation: For the parfait the eggs and the sugar are beaten until it has a creamy consistency, then mix the spice, liqueur and gingerbread cubes and fold in with the whipped cream. Put the whole in small muffin cases and let it freeze for several hours in the freezer.

For the fruchtragout we let the 2 tablespoons of sugar in the pan caramelize and extinguish with the orange juice and let it boil a little. Then anise and cinnamon as well as the orange liqueur (I did not have and took marzipan liqueur) and bring it to a boil again and lightly bind with the cornstarch. In this broth we marinate the orange fillets and put everything together with the parfait on a plate.

I wish you a good appetite and have fun cooking - it's worth it.

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