No "wet feet" for indoor plants

House plants do not like "wet feet" ... Remedy if the planter has no saucer!

Some of my planters have no hole incl. Saucer, which can catch the excess irrigation water. Despite careful watering, careful draining and goodwill, a small puddle collects in the planter.

The remedy is a plastic screw cap from the soluble coffee glass ... or just other plastic screw caps (does not rust). Even my empty glass with broth is "weaned" from its lid - depending on the pot size -! He is placed headfirst in the pot. Then the plant is guaranteed to be in no puddle!

This tip is especially important for me at this time of the year, because I've received all the Christmas stars before and now survive a lot longer, because I've eliminated this risk factor in this sensitive plant!

Wet Feet – Garden Glossary | April 2024