Relieve pain in aphthae

If on time on Friday evenings an apothecary comes to light and you have neither appropriate ointment nor home remedies in stock, you can use for pain relief mouthwash.

I had an aphth on the gums and the pain has spread to my teeth - unbearable. I gagged in the morning and in the evening with non-alcoholic mouthwash, which completely subdued the pain. This is because the bacteria have to be killed and have to re-form. You can feel the relief after a few minutes and when the pain comes back, just gargle again.

Important: Mouthwash does not accelerate the healing process & you should not do it for a long time, but as a temporary solution the method is highly recommended.

Aphthous ulcers (canker sores) - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology | April 2024