Protect yourself from fraudsters on eBay classifieds

A product on eBay classifieds ordered and paid but not received? Many know this problem now. From numerous police reports go fraud cases on eBay classifieds.

But what can internet users do to preemptively prevent the dangers? And where should those affected turn to? First, when buying online, the principle is: Caution is better than forbearance.

The press office of eBay Classifieds therefore recommends always to establish personal contact with buyers, e.g. via telephone. For sellers who exclude them, it is important to be "watchful".

In addition, the goods should in principle be picked up personally and paid locally. Passwords should be changed frequently, so that you can protect yourself better against foreign access.

And if it does happen?

If you are still a victim of fraud, you must contact the local police immediately.

The officer is explained the facts and reimbursed. Initially, the service will attempt to obtain information about the suspected person as part of their data protection options. Unfortunately, this is difficult because of often fictitious data of the dealer.

Following the prosecution takes over. If the identity could be clarified, the investigators of the location responsible for the place of residence of the person on the train.

On the other hand, the case remains with the public prosecutor's office, in whose area of ​​responsibility the complaint was received. If a suspected person is found, you can go to civil proceedings as a victim.

A try is always worth it, you should not put up with everything!