Chickpea stew with chard (vegan)


Preparation time: 30 min.
Cooking or baking time: 30 min.
Total preparation time: 1 hr.

When our Spanish exchange student betrayed that chard is his favorite, I found a recipe I came across, "acelga con garbanzos", a combination of chickpeas and chard that is common in Spain and inspired me. Chard should be bought fresh, the remaining ingredients I had in stock. I think chard could be our favorite vegetable now. The following recipe works without any animal ingredients and yet makes you full.


for 4 people

  • Soak 200 g dry chickpeas overnight in plenty of water (soaked approx. 450 g)
  • 1 head of chard
  • 1 carrot
  • ½ parsley root
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 500 ml pureed tomatoes
  • 1 liter of hot water
  • 3-4 slices of dry baguette bread
  • 3-4 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp caraway
  • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
  • 1 teaspoon sweet pepper


1. Wash chard thoroughly, remove the hard end from the stalk and separate the white from the green on all leaves.

2. Cut the whites from the chard at the bottom and remove the woody threads.

First, the white must be separated from the green part of each chard leaf, as both are cooked separately.From the white part of the chard, the woody threads that do not taste good have to be removed.

3. Dice the white of the chard, the cleaned carrot and parsley root.

4. Put the chickpeas into 1 liter of boiling water in the SKT for about 30 minutes at level 1. In the normal saucepan until the chickpeas are soft (Who takes chickpeas from the tin, cooks first the white of the chard, the carrot and the parsley root soft and then gives the pre-cooked canned goods).

5. In the meantime, also cut the green of the chard into small pieces.

6. Heat olive oil in a pan and toast the baguette slices in it.

?The white part of the chard, the parsley root and the carrot are diced.In a pan, the baguette slices are roasted with olive oil from all sides golden brown.?

7. Put the toasted baguette, oil, clove of garlic, cumin, fennel seed and sweet pepper in a mortar and finely crush (also goes in an electric quick macerator / blender).

8. When the chickpeas are soft, add about 1 tbsp to the mortar and crush / mix with the rest.

Along with spices, oil and garlic, the toasted baguette is added to the mortar and minced.A tablespoon of soft chickpeas is also placed in the mortar and mixed with the mass.

9. Add the green from the chard to the chickpeas, stirring gently until the green chard has invaded.

10. Then add the tomato puree and the mortar contents to the pan and again about half a liter of hot water, stir, only now with salt and pepper or hot pepper to taste, boil once and then simmer until the soup has a creamy consistency.

The green part of the Swiss chard is cooked together with the rest of the vegetables until it has come down.Finally, the mortar and tomato puree are added to the remaining vegetables and simmered.

Good Appetite!

Chickpea Stew With Moroccan Spices | Melissa Clark Recipes | The New York Times | April 2024