

Preparation time: 5 min.

You need

  • Lemons
  • sugar
  • Coffee (ground)
  • and gold crown (original, but certainly goes with other waters)

To prepare, cut the lemons into slices and provide coffee and sugar.

Now get down to business

You cover half a lemon slice with sugar and coffee. Now the whole thing is folded and put in the mouth (Caution: do not take too much coffee and sugar, but there is a mess most of the time anyway).

Finally, tip the Schnappus, swallow and now chew and swallow the lemon-coffee-sugar mix (but watch out for the bowl).

Sounds complicated, but with a bit of practice, that works quite well. Only the coffee powder in the interdental spaces disturbs, but after a few Nikis that does not bother anymore anyway.

Hip Hop rin (n) in Kopp!

Nikolashka | May 2024