Cold tea with ginger

The circulation stimulating effect of ginger in conjunction with the vitamin C of the lemon is actually well known for the relief of cold symptoms.

Now I have been given an extended version in Chile, whose excellent effect surprised me.

Ingredients (for 1 liter)

  • Ginger root, good thumb size
  • Lime, 2 pieces
  • Bee honey 2-4 tbsp
  • As required Pepperoncini, 1-2 pieces, 8-piece!


  1. Wash root well, do not peel necessarily. Grind finely, as fine as possible.
  2. Juice the limes, scrape off some of the green peel with the knife, add to the juice.
  3. Pepperoncini - the very small spicy things, also called chili peppers - finely cut.
  4. Wash your hands!


  1. Boil 1 L water, reduce to small heat and add ginger. Let it rest for 10 minutes (do not cook).
  2. Pour Pepperoncini, let it rest for another 2 - 3 minutes.
  3. Add lime juice and honey at the very end (heat-sensitive)
  4. To clear the edge with honey dosing.
  5. Fill in thermos jug.

How to Make the Perfect Ginger Tea (Cold and Cough Remedy) | April 2024