Minced meat muffins

The minced meat muffins can be eaten fresh and hot, but are also a cold treat and should have been a little bit more baked and not plastered, just freeze!

You take:

  • 750 g minced meat half and half
  • 1 yellow and red pepper each
  • 1 large vegetable onion
  • 500 g Gauda in a row
  • 1 fl. Mexico Salsa


  1. Soft-knead the minced meat.
  2. Cut the peppers, onions and the Gauda into 1cm pieces and mix with the salsa under the minced meat.
  3. Do not prepare the day before and leave it in the fridge overnight, as the minced meat likes to draw water and then water down everything.
  4. Fill the troughs of the muffin dish to the rim with the mass and place in the oven for approx. 30 minutes at 180 degrees top and bottom heat.

Tasty salad, just great!

Assorted Minced Meat Muffins | May 2024