Prepare rocket like spinach

Rocket in the garden - a greens that replenishes abundantly throughout the summer. Since the preparation as a salad is not everyone's taste, I have now unceremoniously prepared it as spinach. Tasted really delicious and spicy!

Wash the rocket, cook gently in salted water and puree in a blender. In the meantime, stew a small onion in glassy fat, dust with a little flour, pour in a little rocket cooking water, stir until smooth, bring to the boil and then add the pureed rucola mush.

Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg, add a little sweet cream, bring everything to a boil again. Ready is the delicious rocket spinach!

If you do not like arugula so finely, you can also finely chop the leaves after cooking.

Clean Eating Spinach Strawberry Salad | May 2024